SA 8000

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SA 8000 is Social Accountability Standard which is among one of the principal auditable social certification standard for esteemed workplaces, generically applicable to all industrial sectors. SA 8000 is supported by the convention of the UN, ILO (International Labor Organization) and national law. By virtue of these conventions, a set of integrated corporate codes is developed, to measure the social compliance which is a strategic fit across the industry. SA 8000 employs a complete management systems approach by enabling a consistent monitoring network to pursue compliance with the set of standards that are being followed.  There are frequent checks in order to review the procedures and their workability within the realm of applicable standards for every individual industry. Today, most of the credible organizations are seeking interests in adopting Social Accountability Standards 8000 and incorporating the procedures and policies so that the basic human rights of laborers could be fully protected and cannot be maneuvered by the external party influences or somehow left ignored. Human resource is the potentially strong and empowering asset of any organization, and its integrity and preservation must be the ultimate goal of any organization. SA 8000 Standard underlines following 8 disciplines:
⦁ Forced Child Labor.
⦁ Compulsory Disabled Labor.
⦁ Health & Safety Issues.
⦁ Freedom of Association & Right to Collective Bargaining.
⦁ Racial, Social, or other Unethical Discrimination Practices.
⦁ Disciplinary Practices.
⦁ Workplace Working Hours.
⦁ Remuneration Issue Handling.
⦁ Women Empowerment.
⦁ Responsive Management Systems.
We at Catalyic provide consulting services to ensure the practices of the above determinants of SA8000. We deliver complete package of end to end solutions and certification of standardization to organizations that want to be ethically and socially responsible to be recognized as an accountable business in the market.
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